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David H. Annis, Ph.D. is Chief Investment Strategist and a Founding Principal of Vernon Capital Partners. He most recently led Wells Fargo's Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) and Central Counterparty (CCP) analytics team and was previously Head of Trading and Risk Model Validation, where his team was responsible for validation and oversight of over 100 models used for evaluating and overseeing market and counterparty risk arising from derivative transactions.

Before transitioning to finance, Dr. Annis taught at the Naval Postgraduate School where, as a member of the Operations Research faculty, he held a Level3 (Top Secret) Department of Defense security clearance and published over a dozen peer-reviewed research papers. He devised a long-range surveillance technique using signal processing and pattern recognition at Los Alamos National Laboratory and began his career at Pratt & Whitney designing compressor hardware for military jet engines.

Dr. Annis earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Mathematical Statistics from Purdue University, holds engineering degrees from Purdue and the University of Florida and earned his MBA with Distinction from Warwick Business School (UK), researching investment strategies based on European volatility derivatives.



Please give us a call or send us an e-mail - we're always happy to help, whether it's educating an interested party in futures markets and trading, advising a new client, or just having a conversation.



+1 704 626 2523


Vernon Capital Partners, LLC
222 S. Church St, Ste 100
Charlotte, NC 28202